ProcyonFox is a Nameless Fox Dragon hybrid that streams a variety of games and hosts watch parties.
Whether its the newest trending title or a hidden retro gem. If theres a story to explore you better believe the fox will be there!
Explore what the human race has created for entertainment is what they were sent here to do, and by now they have plenty to report back to base but the show MUST go on!
An alien from the procyon star system, there is no human language that can properly explain what they are. But they have been told they resemble a fox mixed with a dragon.
Sent here by their commander on a solo journy to scout the stars for lifeforms to study, they have found themselves trapped in space, floating in earths orbit. Hooking into a nearby satellites they have found a way to progress in their mission! By replicating human beings sources of entertainment they hope to learn about us.
Is their intentions good or ill? No one knows. But one things for sure. They are out there, watching us.