Bermuda Muda is a chubby femboy vtuber and fulltime artist. He streams in English. His content is comprised of art, where he draws horror and ecchi; and video gaming, where he plays horror, rpgs, simulators, and obscure games. He is a chronic hikikomori, and self-described idol. He's delusional and has a few screws loose, but he means well! He wants to build a warm and welcoming place for outcasts to have fun.
Bermuda Muda is Laplace's Demon(a delusional human), who has retired into Nonbeing where he draws and plays video games all day. He resides in his House, an amalgamation of flesh, building and void; as well as his Pillbedbugs(his viewers). Bermuda does not truly exist, and when people watch him, it's simply a case of mass-hysteria and psychosis.