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Jihikara is the first vtuber to start producing content in Ukrainian.

Джихікара — повелителька душ з паралельного світу. Ïï світ не має нічого матеріального з живого, тому коли вона опинилась в цьому світі, то повинна тримати свій людський стан збираючи душі людей. Одна душа — один рік її життя.

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I am not at all a mythical creature, as you might think. I am an intangible entity from a parallel world. In that space there is nothing and no one alive that has a material appearance. It is like a flying smoke that is sometimes difficult to notice. This whole entity absorbs all living things, everything that light touches, and the name of this entity is Darkness. I am Jihikara. Princess of darkness. I call myself a soul mistress since I was lucky enough to break out of that space and move into another dimension. The dimension in which you can still absorb some part of space, the world is big. The more light we absorb, the more we become. Outer space. Like, can you call it that? When we absorb it completely, a new world will be formed. Cycle. Everything gets so boring when it's repeated. It would be good to have some image and to be something scarce. For example, a person. A creature that, in my opinion, lives a short life, but does it in such a way as not to regret it later. Hmm, when you don't think about the end, it's not that important. Would I have an end? My main problem is to keep my material body alive, for this I collect the souls of people from this world in order to stay here as long as possible. Since I've been here, I'm human, I feel. Therefore, you will have to save time by taking it from someone. In the world, not everything is as obvious as it may seem at first glance. All living things have a beginning and a clear end, after which time comes. Time is the only thing that can last forever. And while I'm here, I live. And then, I will wait for time.

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