Chirione is a Transfemale streamer who streams in English. She plays games, draws animals and generally tries to have a comfy atmosphere no matter whats being streamed.
Chirione was born on a planet in the far reaches of space. Due to her excessive hunger and her habit of eating important things she was tried and sentenced to banishment among the stars.
After countless eons of sleep drifting through space she saw she was floating towards a small blue pearl of a planet. It looked delicious.
Upon entering the atmosphere most of her body mass burned away and upon impact may have caused a large explosion and crater. She spent many years eating the last few of the tasty lizards that survived her planetary impact. Then she went to sleep only to get woken up by humans as the Industrial revolution began.
She spent the next 200 years waking up again whilst enjoying what these "Humans" wore to cover themselves.
Now she is awake fully and hungry again and hopes that she can attract humans to help feed her snackrifrices.