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Baked Aerial

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Every 1.42 Day(s)
  • Subs 8
  • Views 92



A student that may or may not graduate ever... maybe.

ENG/FIL = OK JP = まあ、ちょっとだけ。。。

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Wanting to have a full-time career, Aerial studied very hard to pass their studying with flying colors...

Until one day, while taking their midterm examinations, a meteoroid happened to pass by the atmosphere. This marks the ever-repeating time loop of October 30th to which Aerial needs to find a solution... or every day is a living hell of always taking the midterm examinations.

Knowing this, Aerial started streaming and making content until the time they found a solution, knowing that not appearing in the exams has no repercussions until a solution to the time loop is found.

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