Splookie is a vtuber that mostly streams Dead by Daylight. He might occasionally play something else or do an art. Splookie mostly makes content in English, although he might also occasionally speak Dutch on his streams for short periods of time. English is not his first language. Splookie is a transgender man and also queer which are topics that are discussed often on stream.
Splookie was left in the woods as a baby. His mother did not want him and his father died not too long before he was born. His mother did not have anyone else to take care of him so she dumped him in the woord with the intention of letting the wild animals take care of her problem.
It wasnt the wild animals who found Splookie in the woods it was a faery. They snatched the baby and raised them, not as their own, no they raised them as a sort of pet human. But after some time he wasnt human anymore, but he also wasn't quite... not. He just was. Time is weird around the fae and babies arent that interesting. When he grew up the feary decide he was more trouble than he was worth.
After coming to that conclusion they decided it was time for Splookie to live in the human world. Nevermind that at that time he was still a child, barely ten. But just letting him go wasn't an option, they decided to get a last bit of amusement out of him. So they cursed him.
Splookie never had anyone who loved him, his mother didn't, the faery even when they cook care of him also didn't. The curse the faery put on the boy cursed him to either find love in the human world or return to the earth. Ever since he has been sprouting little plants all over his body and he suspects that in time his whole body will turn into a plant. Sometimes he even thinks some parts of his skin feel different than others... harder. On the bright side, he is really good with plants.