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A dumb purple Cat Gorl Genie who likes to be a fun and sassy individual. Usually makes dumb or lewd jokes, kind, sweet and an all around treat. Will do anything for a friend and often helps to her own detriment. So if this is the kind you V-tuber you are looking for stop on by.

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This Genie doesn't exactly know how long they've been around and she is currently trying to figure it out. She's been trying to look for her memories for a long time and never seems to find them. So she is always looking for people to surround herself with that can help her with the memories she has from when she met them. The only background she knows is that she is from somewhere in the dunes, she tries to dress the part but not sure is she makes herself too lewd.

She can shapeshift, but not often for practical reasons either under pressure or when she wants to makes a joke that will more than likely end in a groan from others or a bonk on the head. To make sure she can stay out of her lamp she carries it on her hip since her ability to stay out if based on how close she is to it. If you enter the lamp you will find it to look like a hookah longue called It's My Pleasure, where each Hookah served brings a different pleasure tailored experience to the customers order. For example some may through you into ecstasy, maybe a certain time frame is something you might want to feel again or even as simple as one that tastes like your favorite food, we have it all. She doesn't exactly know why it's like that in there but likes it and treated it as "If I fits I will sits." -Foxy.

Also, not very bright. She will take being smacked upside the head with a bat as a sign she's being too lewd.

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