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Robelle Autonomy

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Robelle Autonomy is a Robot Vtuber who streams a variety of games in English and posts edited down videos of her streams. Robelle is one of the primary members of the Vtuber group the MOBs (Myths Or Bolts), being a part of the original three from Gen 0. Robelle seems to focus primarily on RPG's such as Bravely Default and Omori, but she also streams other types of games like Splatoon 3. Occasionally she does Art Streams or "Special" Streams revolving around a gimmick of sorts. She denies having a gambling problem but is often seen streaming Gacha Games such as Genshin Impact, having the chat bet channel points based on what she pulls.

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An RB-LL MK 3 (Robot Lasting Laborer Mark 3) Android that found a Voice Synthesizer. With the newfound voice she gained sentience and began streaming games she deems interesting. Robelle has no memories before she became sentient, but occasionally glitches and mentions the uploading and downloading of a "SOUL.copy" file. Robelle's age is unknown, but her body can shift between an "Adult" mode and a "Chibi" mode. It is unknown what time frame Robelle streams from but it seems she may be in the distant future somehow streaming to the present.

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