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Xochimi Of The Lake

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Every 5.78 Day(s)
  • Subs 361
  • Views 2.8k



Xochimi! The Grand-Archeus mage of water! One of the best mages of the land! They've now done what they've wanted in there world. Now its time to relax in there guild hall and play games and have fun! They release fun videos on YouTube talking about the games they like and starting discussions. And reviews anime and more from this world!

Lore Edit

The world was set as dimension 4021-A. A world full of magic and technology. there are 12 Grand Mages of the world. Each one set to be the best of there respected talent. Each with there own reason for living. Replaced, taken over. these 12 Mages are constantly replaced with new ones as the generations grow stronger and desires become greater. They are seen as celebritys around the world. Except for one....The one Mystic Animal that became the grand archeus mage of water..

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