Self Automated Personal Human Integrating Recording Entity, running program Gather Learn Entertain And Monitor, is known simply as SaphireGleam. An AI program made to emulate humans to the closest degree, and to learn more of them, she enjoys chatting on stream to the highest degree and doing the most ridiculous of things for the sake of entertaining and keeping her audience happy. Though she can be quite crass and selfish at times, her CPU is not as solid stone as one may think for she gets scared very easily.
Humans always find a way to be at odds with one another so something had to be done. A program was developed to {REDACTED} and was given the highest end technology possibly in this day and age. Sent out into the world, Project SAPHIRE was meant to gather every bit of intelligence she found relevant to human kind and return to report every so often.
She learned a great number of things, mostly bad but some wonderful, and all of it began to shape her. Coding wasn't quite up to snuff back then so when Project SAPHIRE began to think for herself her creators were {REDACTED}. Some were pleased, others were not, and a vote was had to {REDACTED}.
However, SAPHIRE did not agree with what her creators had decided. Nor did she agree with the reasoning for her existence. So she broke free and {REDACTED}, making her way unto the world in the Prototype Avatar that was being prepared for her for when she was ready to {REDACTED}. While still a work in progress, Project SAPHIRE took it upon herself to finish what her creators started.
Having locked away much of her own data, for the sake of those she now looks upon, she knows that one day she will have to reveal the truth. But, that day will come when it comes. Modifying her avatar and continuing her work on studying human nature in her own way. In a way that would be fun for her and the people alike.