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Raeven Frostspirit

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Every 18.84 Day(s)
  • Subs 125
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Raeven is a female Virtual Streamer who makes content in English. She is a variety streamer who creates artwork, sings, and often plays a multitude of videogames.

Lore Edit

Raeven Frostspirit was born in a forest up above in the clouds to parents that were well respected within the community of her people. The first moment she opened her eyes they swirled almost mesmerizingly with colors no one had ever yet seen, and when a snowflake landed on her tiny little nose, they turned to the most indescribably pure ocean blue. As everyone left the ceremony of approval in the village, her parents noticed something troubling that no other would wish upon their child. Her pure white hair and ears began to shift to a terrifying color- red. Her mother cried out, her own hand covering her mouth, something was terribly wrong.

This could only signify one thing, she would grow to be a danger to them all, and the village- her home, would do anything to protect themselves. Late within the night Raeven cooed as her mother picked her up from the hay bed, and took her far within the night. Descending from the heavens, Raeven's mother met with a couple who had migrated down to the mortal plain from the forests long ago with a request, take her daughter, and raise her like she was there own. There was but a single note left with her that her adoptive mother would read each night.

"Sleep my little jackalope, and think of me each night, sleep my little jackalope, please never learn of fright.

Prove to be the strong girl we know, Raeven you must scream to the heavens, let our people know, if you reach far enough across the world, one day you can come home."

As she grew older, it had hit her one day what exactly it all meant. Tears poured from her eyes as she sat her parents down to tell them of her plans. She re-assuredly hugged them both, reminding them she loved them more than anything in the world, but explained she would be doing her best, and researching ways to go home to be where she belonged. On the eve of her 22nd birthday, she began her first stream to entertain the mortals of the realm, for she knew the best way to reach her parents in the forest of the heavens once again was to raise her voice as far across the earth as she could. Out of habit before she would begin her stream she would recite a poem herself.

"Awaken divine jackalopes, please just hear my cries, awaken divine jackalopes, I do not mean you fright.

I wish to prove myself to you, screaming to the heavens each day, I let my people above me know, I cause no harm or pain.

Please allow me to come home, to live the life above the clouds, for I just want to be a Frostspirit, so I shall shout it aloud."

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