nofoxweregiven (or Vixie) is a female fox VStreamer and VTuber who creates content in English. Her content has encompassed many of her interests including Music, Art, RPGs, Tarot Reading, Card Games, Voice-Over, and Horror. The main focus of her content is gaming, where she spends a majority of her streams playing games and interacting with her chat. Another important focus is her tarot reading, which she uses to read fortunes for her viewers and divine their futures. She's played a variety of different games, with a heavy focus on RPGs (especially the Elder Scrolls series) and card games (including Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic: The Gathering and the Pokemon Trading Card Game).
Vixie's community is a diverse group of people who enjoy playful banter while also occasionally delving into more serious topics. For this reason, her content is strictly 18+ as topics discussed can sometimes be unsafe for underage or vulnerable viewers. As well, she is not afraid of being unseiso, often teasing chat with her mommy voice, innuendos and suggestive outfits.
She enjoys hosting special events for her streams, including birthday celebrations, Halloween specials, holiday events, anniversary streams, and special follower/sub goal celebrations! Vixie prides herself on being awkward yet approachable, ditzy yet knowledgeable, and authentic yet open-minded. As a proud booty-loving Satanist, Vixie's content is sure to entertain!
Though she was once human, Vixie decided to play with the strings of fate and summoned a demon to her bedroom. Any wish she’d be granted, as long as she was willing to sell her soul over. Souls have little meaning to those who don’t believe in them, so it was an easy trade. However, she never expected the horrific outcome of her bargain. All she had ever desired was to help people, as many as she could. She wished to be able to influence and reach as many people as possible, and for that she staked her soul. But when she was cursed to live only as a virus, she quickly regretted her decision. Now forced to communicate through the internet, Vixie tries to make the best of her situation. With her pact, she hopes to be able to achieve her goal to reach as many people as she can and help them as best she can. If you don’t mind her infecting your device, she’d love for you to stop by. She’ll read your fortune with her tarot cards, play games to pass the time, or even let you test the strings of fate yourself, if you so dare.