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Imago Minus

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Every 15.9 Day(s)
  • Subs 77
  • Views 297



Imago Minus is a male virtual streamer, who streams a large variety of content on Twitch. He mostly streams BTD6, Jump King, Worms W.M.D., creative contents and more. He seeks to make friends, break his overly calm persona, but mostly, to finally have fun without worries.

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Imago Minus, the Lord of Fantasy, is a being of multiple pasts, but one definite present. Regardless of the many stories, few things are definite: they want to use their supreme power to destroy corruption, but got sealed by said corruption into a below average human body. the virtual world is their most reliable playground outside of their own daydreams, so they seek to improve their spirit as much as they can before they either die, or unleash their power, or both; as well as to gain a following in form of the Silent Wings Society, full with caring and passionate people.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
Sep 24, 2021
Sep 24, 2021
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