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Dely (They/Them) is a British Fungus Wizard Vtuber. They stream a variety of games and community events! Interests include cooking, voice acting, video editing, anime, and gaming!

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Long ago, in ages past, there lived a wizard of extraordinary power and wisdom. Like many of their kind, Dely was a wizard who had dedicated their life to amassing a library of ancient books containing arcane knowledge. They specialised in Evocation, Enchantment, Conjuration, and Transmutation. The wizard spent an age embarking on countless daring adventures, exploring treacherous paths, navigating intricate catacombs, and braving dark and damp caves—all in the relentless quest for wisdom.

Throughout their travels, just as they thought their adventures would never end, one unfortunate day came upon the wizard. Dely was struck with an affliction - a disease with no known cure, and one that would spell the end of the afflicted. Seeking refuge in the tranquillity of their tall, stone tower, they felt secure within its walls as they immersed themselves in the endless pages of knowledge waiting to be unravelled. It was here, they thought, that they could unveil the cure to their affliction through dedicated and deep study.

As days became weeks, and the weeks into months, the flowing sands of time proved unkind to the wizard. Weariness afflicted their mortal form; as their body faltered and the sharpness of their mind dulled, a realisation dawned upon the wizard—it felt as though they had dwelled within the solitude of these stone walls for as long as their waning memory could recall.

This solitude had not only affected the wizard's mind and body, but neglect had also cast its shadow upon the very tower that sheltered them. Clusters of mould and fungus grew in every crevice of this once-great tower.

Averting their gaze from the worn pages of their tome, the wizard's attention was drawn to... A mushroom. Nestled in a corner. Bathed in the arcane energies of the tower, the mushroom emitted a soft, enchanting glow of violet and lapis hues. Perhaps influenced by their befuddled mind, the wizard found solace in this thing that showed remarkable ambition towards life, amid the dank and damp tower.

The wizard pondered, and then they scrawled through the seemingly boundless library of their tower. They scoured its shelves for a tome that delved into the art of Transmutation. With the wizard’s power of knowledge and will, their new companion, the mushroom, would come to life and be instilled with a soul. Soon, the wizard would no longer be alone.

As the wizard uttered their incantations, magic hummed and thrummed through the very foundations of the castle. Arcane energy poured through the wizard’s hands, converging into the mushroom. A rune circle appeared below the mushroom, and as the magic became ever more volatile, the wizard momentarily worried their abilities had waned through the years, and the spell might not work.

A flash of light pulsed and shot the wizard across the room. They were thrown like a sack of potatoes, and slammed against a wall, slumping down and sitting on the harsh stone. It took them a moment, but when they came to, they darted toward their experiment to assess the results. At first, looming, a plume of purple fog clouded their vision, obscuring whatever came of the magic incantation.

As the fog cleared, their eyes brightened. Slowly, this thing, once devoid of conscious thought and animated life… Well. There is much to be said on how many thoughts go through this thing's mind, as the wizard would come to find later. But right now, this cute little mushroom is alive! With tears falling over the wizard’s cheek, the mushroom smiled at them, and the wizard let out a laugh. The wizard knew their name as soon as they laid eyes on them.


Soft, squishy, and cute.

For all the time this wizard had left, they studied from when they woke, to when they collapsed from exhaustion. Their company was a bright light in the dark, and although Mochi wasn’t much of an assistant, they were sure that - company. Mochi perhaps kept them from giving up altogether sooner.

Unfortunately, the incurable nature of this disease lived up to its legacy. There was a night Dely slept, and come the morning, the warm glow of first light illuminated scarcely to wake them. They had, in their slumber, succumbed to their affliction.

Mochi tried to wake Dely, but was met with a cold silence.. Confused, Mochi tried, and then again to wake their friend, until they could no longer try. Mochi cried, resting on Dely's chest, mourning the life of their friend, their time together cut so short.

Mochi thought to try one last thing. One last hope. Mochi took a big deep breath in, and only when they couldn’t hold it any longer, they let go, releasing spores of glowing fungus into Dely’s mouth and down into their lungs. As the spores made their way, Dely’s body glowed and hummed in a similar way that Mochi did long ago, when Dely’s magics were enchanting them.

Dely awoke! They gasped their first breath in their second life. The spores grow and fester in Dely’s body, taking over their organs and brain, bringing them new life. Dely is additionally no longer afflicted with their disease..

Nonetheless grateful to Mochi for saving their life, Dely, now a sentient blend of wizard and mycelium, has begun to question which thoughts are their own and which belong to the fungi slowly taking root in their mind.

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