Chikafuji Lisa is a female VTuber, a member of Tsunderia's Gen 3 TsunDream alongside Tsurugi Nen, Uzuki Tomoya, Tetsuya Kazune and Amiya Aranha. Her Youtube channel was created on 16 September, 2021. Her Twitter account was created in September 2021. Lisa debuted on 6 November, 2021 (PDT). On the same day, she released her first official cover song "Kyoumen no Nami" by YURiKA. She wants to learn more languages. In the past she has learned; American Sign Language, Spanish, French and some Japanese.
Lisa is the embodiment of a bad dream. She causes nightmares and traps people in them for fun. Althought she gets along with her dreamy counterparts, she is mischievous and likes to play tricks on them by toying with and sabotaging their good dreams.
She was a good dream that was conceived so many times it got annoyed and became corrupted. Her profession as a nightmare brings her greater fulfillment.