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Ceri Spectre

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Every 2.7 Day(s)
  • Subs 214
  • Views 447



Ceri Spectre is a VStreamer, who works as a barista at the Afterlife Café. She's an english speaker variety content creator, and digital artist/designer.

She Recently Retired, and will be debuting under a new name next year!!

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Ceri Spectre is a ghost girl who works as a barista at the Afterlife Café. She suffers from a rare and mysterious illness that causes roses to grow all over her body, making her sleep-deprived and anxious. Despite her condition, Ceri is determined to live her life to the fullest and pour all her energy and passion into crafting the perfect cups of coffee and tea for her regulars. She has a complex relationship with the powerful spirit Circe, whose soul merged with hers, but together, they are trying their best to help fellow spirits to find peace and move on to the Afterlife!

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