Professor (Associated Names)



  • EN
  • ASMR
  • Education
  • Gaming
  • LGBTQ+
  • Mature
  • Voice Acting
Elouyn is a female English Virtual Streamer, who has been streaming since October 2021. She is known for her overly warm and flirty personality, and upper-class English accent. Elouyn focuses on breaking down game mechanics to learn them fluently, then uses her knowledge of the games she plays to teach others on how to get…
Videos 388Frequency 1.32Watchlists 14Subs 3.6kViews 13k
G.Bac Hakase
  • CH
  • EN
  • JP
  • Anime
  • Art
  • ASMR
  • Chatting
  • Education
  • Gaming
  • Mature
  • Music
Bac is a self proclaimed human scientist who describes himself as a 3rd rate scientist with a 4th rate lab. Bac mainly streams in English and streams a wide variety of games and genres. Bac seems to always be busy working on something. Bac is also seen rambling about incoherently about time line and parallel…
Videos 17Frequency 3.91Watchlists 1Subs 117Views 61
  • EN
  • Anime
  • Gaming
  • Mature
  • Voice Acting
DJ is a self-proclaimed "comfy engineer VTuber" who generally streams a variety of games, from Minecraft to the Dark Souls series, as well as fairly regular voice acting. He fosters a community based around mutual support and understanding, having also made a small series of YouTube shorts focusing on mental health and regularly giving advice…
Videos 429Frequency 3.9Watchlists 1Subs 442Views 21.3k
The Unplugged Professor
  • EN
  • Art
  • Gaming
  • Voice Acting
A TV-Headed VTuber, the Unplugged Professor locates games that do not have a voice to add his own, as a process to learn and grow. After all, being trapped in a facility long abandoned and with vocal chords still in tact, the least he can do is entertain. With the aid of ExP and Eniac,…
Videos 151Frequency 4.75Subs 1.8kViews 6.7k
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