Alexa is a female vtuber from india ,she likes to play pc games and reviewing them and talk about computer parts and mobile phones, mostly on the hardware side, she is also known for her acomplishments in souls like games for her parrying yearning her the title "parry queen" from her fans , she also has this rare ability to gain significant skill and consentration when she was pushed into a corner in both video games and irl , and number 3 is her lucky number or the number she was stuck with for a long time
A human who likes to wear cat ears and also has a curiosity of one aswell which gotten her into trouble when she asked the qustion "where everything came from" "why all things exist", these qustion made her to go on a journey to find out the truth behind it all though her search of knowledge and enlightenment she managed to encounter an entity which she presumes that its the creator of all things and learns the truth which she was not ready for thus exiling herself from the truth and gathering support and friends that she can rely on and prepare to face it once more