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Aiko Amami

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Aiko is a English streamer who makes lots of different content, from gaming, to singing, to reaction videos, to ASMR! Aiko is a purple pink toe tarantula who loves eating meat and sweets <3

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The year is 1806, Its a peaceful day in the town, people are enjoying lunch, tending to their chores, and enjoying their day. Suddenly the sky grows brighter....People look up at the sky and soon find a giant asteroid looking sphere tumbling towards the earth, they would not be able to expect what would come from said "asteroid". The "asteroid" lands, leaving a large crater in the earth's crust. People watch in intriguement, which then turns to great fear as giant 20 foot tall tarantulas, wolf spiders, and all different species step out from what was believed to be an asteroid. People scream in fear and make a run for their houses!! Those who could not run as fast were devoured by these giant spiders. These spiders would continue to go on a rampage, killing thousands of people. soon the humans created bunkers, where they would hide their families and only leave to scavenge for food. Over the next few decades humans started to invent weapons to fight back against the spiders, Giant gas spraying machines, Shotguns, Rifles and other weaponry. A war had begun between the spiders and the humans. hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, on both sides.

We time skip to the late 20th century, the year is 1974, My mother is born along with her hundreds of other slings. My mother was different though, My mother did not crave the flesh of the humans, but rather the livestock of the planet. She was often found by her mother eating cows and pigs, she would be reprimanded for it and told that the humans were evil and deserved to die. My mother didnt think this was right. She would soon start approaching the leader of the spiders, A beautiful 45 year old armored trapdoor female, the title of ruler had been passed down to her. My mother begged and pleaded that peace be formed with the spider, she shared the flavors of how the livestock tasted, described how delicious it was and how there didnt need to be anymore death on not only the spider side, but also the human side. "we can bring an end to this war!!!" yelled my mother. For the longest time the ruler turned a blind eye to my mothers pleas, Until one day my mother brought her a live cow, the ruler was offended and yelled for her guards to kick my mother out, my mother pleaded "Please!! Just try a bit!! You will understand where I'm coming from!!" the ruler looked into my mothers eyes and said "I will do it to prove you wrong." The ruler then sunk her fangs into the cow, the cow writhed around until it fell dead due to the rulers venom, the ruler took a moment to taste the flavors, then promptly began to devour the cow, she had never tasted such flavors, not even from the thousands of humans she had eaten, nothing had compared to this. The guards watched in disbelief as the ruler devoured the once living animals. The ruler finished and looked at my mother. "This may change how the spiders effect the humans. but this will not change the countless humans who still take the lives of our kind." the ruler said with a sad look.."Then we must make peace..." replied my mother.

The ruler of the spiders sent out a message to the humans using her telepathy (These were mutated spiders, they possessed many abilities that the humans did not) "My name is agorath..Ruler of the spider kingdom. One of my spiders has brought to me one of your cattle, we want to discuss a peace treaty, your cattle in return for your safety. If you accept this compromise, you will send out your ruler to meet me at the cross section of the battle zone at dawn." Dawn comes around and agorath is waiting in the battlezone, the humans had been evacuated and agorath has brought a army of spiders for protection. She waits until no one shows up, she turns around and yells to her soldiers "I knew this would never work! The humans are evil and deserve their fate!" She then is shocked to hear someone yell from the distance behind her "I am here queen agorath!" She turns around quickly and sees the leader of the humans marching in with an army as well. Her spiders and guards immediately take a defensive pose around her, ready for an attack. The leader of the humans makes his way to the middle of the battle ground, about 30 feet away from the spiders. "My name is Robert Williams, I am here to discuss your compromise".

Agorath tells her spiders to move aside, She must be just as trusting as Robert, she will not look like a coward. If Roberts soldiers try to kill her, it will not work. You must attack the abdomen of a spider to kill them. "I will assume you understand what you are agreeing to." agorath says. "I am aware, we can mass breed our cattle in order to suffice the appetites of the spiders of your kingdom, and in return we will no longer have to fear the attacks from the spider kingdom, correct?" Robert says. "That is correct." agorath replies. "We will deliver our first shipment of livestock in a week, the mass production will take a few months to get started as well." Robert says. "Very well. Us spiders do not need to eat very often, a big meal once a month is enough." agorath replies. agorath and robert shake hands (legs???) exchange a small smile, and go their separate ways.

A week passes and the first shipment of livestock arrive, the spiders partake in the newly discovered delicious meat, thus solidifying this new law and making it permanent.

Time Skip

It's now 1986, a law has just been passed by both Agorath and Robert Williams, allowing spiders and humans to mate and pursue romantic relationships. there are rules to follow though. Spiders may NOT consume their human mates, only their spider mates.

Time Skip Again

The year is 2001. Aiko Amami has just been born along with her hundreds of siblings. She is a beautiful baby girl with two toned hair, something her other hybrid siblings hadn't inherited. Her mother always saw her as special due to this. Most spider parents shoo their children out of the web/house once they have had their second molt, but Ramilith (Aiko's Mother) kept Aiko around for a little longer, she had seen that Aiko would go on to do great things some day, so she kept her for longer and taught her how to do things the "spider way". By not being raised in a Human based society, Aiko over time developed more spider like tendencies, Using her 8 legs to walk instead of her two and sleeping in a web instead of a common bed.

As Aiko got older, she had to start attending school, she attended a human school since she was a hybrid and not a pure spider, Aiko faced bullying for her extra eyes. (most hybrids were taught by their human parents to hide them so they could blend in a bit more, but since Aiko was raised to be more like a spider, she wore them proudly) This led to a severe lack in self confidence during her child years so she grew her hair out and used it to cover most of her eyes, she used to wear a mask too to hide the 2 under her main eyes. There wasn't much hybrids could do to stop the bullying since the laws about spider-human violence was so strict, So even yelling could get you suspended. When Aiko graduated highschool, she stopped wearing the mask but continued to cover her 4 eyes with her hair, It wasn't something she could show off proudly anymore.

Throughout her life Aiko learned new things about herself, that she could produce silk like her mother, climb walls/ceilings, produce venom from her fangs, and at the end of puberty...turn into a giant spider version of herself, the same size and power of the man eating spiders who came to her planet, she used to call it her "super form!!" when she was younger. When she first got the form, she couldn't control it, she would lose herself and not remember turning into it, She would wake to things destroyed, fang marks in furniture and chunks taken out of the walls...and a long line of half eaten livestock behind her...She worried she would always remain a monster that destroys everything around her while in her Spider form...thankfully after about a year she learned to control it.

Aiko eventually got into watching vtubers from the other Earth timeline, she wondered "Could I become popular..even as I am?" So she gave it a chance, a shot in the dark...and booted up her pc and set up her face cam, The rest is yet to be told.

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