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Hakuja (库伽) is a male Chinese Virtual UP (bilibili content creator) affiliated with VirtuaReal, NIJISANJI's Chinese Virtual Liver branch, as part of its fourteenth wave (aka 147) alongside Koxia, Yomiya, Rhea and Miyu.

Hakuja's bilibili page.

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There are big and small mistakes. With regards to the Snake Clan, the first small mistake was when choosing a test subject for a piece of not yet fully-developed enhancement technology, they selected the low-born Hakuja; while the second small mistake was making an outrageous miscalculation of strength with a boss’ wealthy second son as an assassin target. The big mistake after that was to directly judge Hakuja's assassination failure as an experiment failure; and the final fatal mistake was to prepare to dispose of the failed subject Hakuja, pushing this youth who just recently became the strongest assassin in the history of the Snake Clan towards the other side.

After washing the Snake Clan's den with blood, the disoriented snake youth slowly walked onto the street for the first time, somewhat at a loss. However he very soon got to know new friends- a cute yet arrogant cat girl who enjoys observing humanity; after that the former assassination target also brought him a new job.

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