Hanta (or known as Hanta_ch because he didn't thought that well in his channel name) is a male Vtuber that streams on Twitch, in English, but can speak and understand a bit of Japanese. While he knows Spanish, he has decided to focus on the EN space. He is a variety streamer that focuses on gaming, especially games from the Monster Hunter franchise.
He also is an avid fan of Yu-gi-oh, Capcom games.
This is the story of a poor sap of a guy that is locked in god knows where. He doesn't remember who he is nor why he's there, and only remembers the word "Hanta"...he's not even sure that's its name. He tried getting out of that hellhole of a room, but there was no exit.
Only left there was a computer and some leftover assets. The room was a mess...as if something happened there, but was soon gone. With nothing left to try and nothing to lose, he tried using streaming as a tool to figure out where he was and why is he there...while enjoying himself in the long run.
That's right. This guy is just wishing to get out of that place. Poor guy.
そこに残っているのは、パソコンと残置物だけ。まるで、そこで何かが起こったかのように、部屋はぐちゃぐちゃになっていた。 失うものは何もないので、彼はストリーミングをツールとして、自分がどこにいて、なぜそこにいるのか...長い目で見て楽しみながら考えてみたのです。