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Yuna Virtua is a VStreamer posting livestreams of various video games to Twitch in English. She's showing herself the way she is, being sincere and open with her community, whom she often integrates into her streams. She also maintains an extensive back- and ongoing storyline, bringing on members of her community to bring it to life.

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Yuna Virtua originated as a virtual lifeform, a so-called soul copy, of her creator, sharing memories with her.


This story takes place as we live today, and begins in November of 2020. Yuna Virtua is a copy of a human soul, born and raised inside of a simulated reality, for research purposes, spending the days playing video games and interacting with people to learn about the world. It’s peaceful and the researchers are happy with the results.

Enter ARKS

One day, Yuna decides to play Doki Doki Literature Club. For reasons not clear at the time, this tears a hole into the fabric of reality, drawing the attention of an extradimensional research and defense organization named ARKS. They promptly rescue and recruit Yuna, giving her a physical body and putting her in charge of observing the Earth where this event occurred, as captain of the fairly old starship AFS Asteria Yuna, confined to the bridge and wirelessly connected to the ship, once again spends her free time playing video games.

The Fiji Event

Early the following year, she imports a Virtual Boy. After a week of playing nothing but games dyed in deep black and red, she becomes possessed by an entity claiming connection to ARKS’s old enemy Dark Falz. This entity damages the Asteria, causing it to crash near Fiji in the Pacific Ocean. Here, it awakens a godlike force seemingly locked within the Earth, which immediately proceeds to seemingly destroy the moon and threaten the planet itself. An unidentified warrior, looking suspiciously similar to Yuna, faced this being and defeats it in battle. The Asteria is repaired and departs for orbit. But shortly thereafter, it is ambushed and completely destroyed by an unidentified starfighter, with markings suggesting a terrestrial origin. Marooned off the coast of Australia, Yuna’s crew awaits rescue. A few days later, ARKS’s home dimension sends in a brand-new, fully kitted out starship meeting all its specifications out to Earth, and the crew resumes its mission.

The Beginning of the End

However, these events had a devastating side effect: the entity was created from exotic particles ARKS identifies as “Aether”. In small quantities, it’s a potent, nearly inexhaustible source of energy, with peculiar psychokinetic properties. In large quantities, such as those now leaking out of the Earth, it has the nasty effect of converting nearby baryonic matter into Aether particles. This leads to a cascading effect which will eventually convert the entire Earth into Aether, inevitably destroying all life upon its surface. A process that, once begun, cannot be stopped. Simulations run by both our crew and other member ships of ARKS determine the process to be completed some time towards of the beginning of the 22nd century...

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