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Vael Hoshi

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Every 3.81 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 342
  • Views 500



Vael Hoshi is a raccoon VStreamer who lives and streams from Brazil. His birthday is August 17 and is an pancake addict.

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Vael perdeu seus pais quando criança e foi com sua irmã para um orfanato. Esteve triste desde que tudo aconteceu, mas sua nova família, uma formada por dentes-de-sabre, o ajudou a ter alegria novamente agora que tinha novamente uma família.

Vael lost his parents as a child and went with his sister to an orphanage. He has been sad since it all happened, but his new family formed by saber-tooth has helped him to be happy again now that he has a family again.

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