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The Harsh Jellyfish

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Every 1.38 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.2k
  • Views 36.2k



Jelly is an English-speaking VStreamer who streams whatever he is currently playing. Be it Beat Saber, Call of Duty or Jump King, Jelly is happy to play and often lets viewers join.

He does his best to provide a cozy, wholesome place for people to come lurk, chat, join in, or have a laugh at his poor gameplay.

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He once was just a Jellyfish, but he got tired of floating around aimlessly. So he decided to steal a human body and see what it's like having some control over his life... and a stomach. At first he was hostile and mean towards others after being so helpless for so long, but now you won't find a kinder or more welcoming Jellyfish on land.

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Oct 24, 2023
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