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Spectre FM

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Every 5.4 Day(s)
  • Subs 588
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Spectre, (pronounced Spec-ter, not Spec-tra) is a Yuki-onna and the host of Spectre FM, a haunted mysterious radio station. Her haunted station is home to horror, rhythm, and roleplaying games alike, not to mention musical discussion, artwork and ASMR. She prides herself on being just a bit eerie and offputting, but prioritizes coziness above all. You won't find many gremlin shenanigans here.

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Francesca "Frankie" Morgan was at one point an American exchange student studying in Sweden near Stockholm when she was suddenly the victim of a brutal murder in the middle of a snowstorm. Left in the cold, her body froze and her seething need for vengeance led her to rise from dead as a spectral yuki-onna, now known as Spectre. With her newfound powers, she created a phantom radio station that disappears and reappears and is constantly surrounded by a billowing snowstorm. It is said if one tunes their radio to 110.19 at exactly midnight, they can hear her mysterious broadcast that seems to almost hypnotize those who hear it to venture into the snowstorm she commands where they are rarely ever seen again. Thankfully through the power of the internet though, those fascinated can now listen without risk of falling victim to her.

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