Sir Grim is Classy fellow who typically makes content in English but has a google translate chat so that all Country's and languages can enjoy. Usually he plays Games and does physical art. All is welcome as we dine in this fancy entertainment! Usually its competitive games thats played as he plays with his friends and viewers but he utmost enjoys the company as he streams on twitch . He's been streaming for 9 months like around 1/14/2021 and was officially announced as a Vstreamer around 8/19/2021
A Classy fellow who began living on earth a day at a time in London in the 1820's. This little chip chap fell into a well which was no other and got transported to America to which he sauntered and traveled to the early 2000's . By now his old style clothing made others weary of him to know his nickname is Grim. Hardly does anyone use his real name as he attempts to blend in into modern society