Silva Lowenhart is a Vtuber who provides information on various tropes and plays all kinds of indie games. He also loves competitive games like fighters such as Tekken, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, and even stuff like Granblue Fantasy Versus. When he's not streaming, he can be found talking about various tropes under his series "Trope Of The Day".
Silva Lowenhart is currently the leader of the Ministry...but it wasn't always that way. In truth, he was nothing more than a simple man who wanted to help bring peace and harmony to the world doing whatever he can. He ended up dedicating much of his life to helping those in need and lending a hand to the less fortunate. One day, however, he stumbled upon a mask that was white on one side and black on the other. Curiously, he picked it up and he tried it on. Unfortunately for him, this would prove to be a grave mistake, for the mask would attach itself to his face to take over his mind. Ever since then, he harbored for another feeling: chaos. While he still loved to keep the peace, he now wished for chaos to ensue to make sure harmony was always an option. The mask also told him of another task: to start a group...a cult, even.
And thus, the Ministry was born, with Silva as their leader. Together, they would set out to do what needed to be done...