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Rin Penrose

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Release Frequency
Every 1.92 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 15
  • Subs 853k
  • Views 143.4m



Rin Penrose is a Virtual Streamer who makes content in English. She is affiliated with idol and is a member of it's first English generation (E-Sekai) alongside Yuko Yurei, Juna Unagi, Pochi Wanmaru, and Fuyo Cloverfield.

Lore Edit

Rin is the self-proclaimed prince (“Not princess!”) of a kingdom in another world. Though she tries to maintain a “proper” demeanour befitting her royal heritage, her true, unfathomable personality always shines through.

As for why a prince would want to be a VTuber… It seems even the Royal Family has its secrets.

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