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Jan 11, 2021loreTxmtrinity ALTERAOriginal
Hailing from a dimension known as "The NanoScape" a young boy ventures in the dimension with little to no knowledge of what he should expect. Soon after dying, a yokai by the name of Usami PrismLight take him into her home and resurrects the boy as a Half Yokai. After being resurrected, The now Half Yokai Shota find his purpose as this new being and soon, he comes across the world of Vtubing. With Determination, he decides to become a VTuber as he had found his new purpose.
Hailing from a dimension known as "The NanoScape" a young boy ventures in the dimension with little to no knowledge of what he should expect. Soon after dying, a yokai by the name of Usami PrismLight take him into her home and resurrects the boy as a Half Yokai. After being resurrected, The now Half Yokai Shota find his purpose as this new being and soon, he comes across the world of Vtubing. With Determination, he decides to become a VTuber as he had found his new purpose. After becoming a VTuber the Half Yokai known as Altera soon comes back to earth to find out what more exciting things what he can do with his new found abilities at being a Half Yokai but with the exception of him slowly driving him mad with Lunacy. But with the help of Usami he is able to control his Lunacy and continue being a VTuber without hurting anyone he loves.
Jan 9, 2021typeTxmtrinity ALTERAOriginal
VStreamer, VTuber
Jan 7, 2021associated-nameTxmtrinity ALTERAOriginal

ALTERA, Txmtrinity, Txmtrinity ALTERA Ch.


Alt, ALTERA, Tera, Trinity, Txmtrinity, Txmtrinity ALTERA Ch.

Jan 7, 2021tagTxmtrinity ALTERAOriginal
Half Yokai, Lunatic, Music, Random shitposter, rhythm games
Half Yokai, Lunatic, Music, Philippines, Random shitposter, rhythm games
Jan 7, 2021loreTxmtrinity ALTERAChanged
Hailing from a dimension known as "The NanoScape" a young boy ventures in the dimension with little to no knowledge of what he should expect. Soon after dying, a yokai by the name of Usami PrismLight take him into her home and resurrects the boy as a Half Yokai. After being resurrected, The now Half Yokai Shota find his purpose as this new being and soon, he comes across the world of Vtubing. With Determination, he decides to become a VTuber as he had found his new purpose.
Jan 7, 2021imageTxmtrinity ALTERAChanged
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Jan 7, 2021descriptionTxmtrinity ALTERAOriginal

Txmtrinity ALTERA (formerly known as Txmtrinity) is a PH Half Yokai VTuber that stream on Facebook and uploads Content on his YouTube channel. He creates Rhythm Gaming, highlights, and independent project content. His character is a Half Yokai Shota and he expresses that really well in his character.


Txmtrinity ALTERA (formerly known as Txmtrinity) is a PH Half Yokai VTuber that streams on his YouTube channel. He creates Rhythm Gaming, Highlights, Art, and Independent project content such as his newly created monthly podcast “Yokai Talk”. His character is a Half Yokai Shota and he expresses that really well in his character.

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