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Feb 15, 2021loreShirogane NoelChanged
"Hey muscle! Shirogane Noel's here!" While she is easy-going, she has a dangerous side where she attempts to solve all her problems with muscle power. As much as this fluffy, meatheaded knight hungers for power, she came to the world of VTubers where all the stronk people are, for training. 「こんばんまっする~!白銀ノエルです!」 おっとりしているが、なんでも筋力でどうにかする物騒な面を持つ ゆるふわ脳筋女騎士。強さに憧れるあまり、つよつよな人達が集まるVTuber界に武者修行にきた。
Feb 15, 2021associated-nameShirogane NoelOriginal

Danchou (Party Leader), 白銀ノエル


Danchou (Party Leader), 白銀ノエル, 白银诺艾尔

Feb 15, 2021descriptionUsada PekoraOriginal

Usada Pekora (兎田ぺこら) is a female Virtual YouTuber who makes content in Japanese. She is associated with hololive, as part of their third generation of Virtual YouTubers under the name of “hololive Fantasy” (ホロライブファンタジー) alongside Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, and Houshou Marine. Her birthday is 12 January. Her height is 153 cm (not including the ears). She weighs 3 carrots . Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.


Usada Pekora (兎田ぺこら) is a female Virtual YouTuber who makes content in Japanese. She is associated with hololive, as part of their third generation of Virtual YouTubers under the name of “hololive Fantasy” (ホロライブファンタジー) alongside Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, and Houshou Marine. Her birthday is 12 January. Her height is 153 cm (not including the ears). She weighs 3 carrots. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Feb 15, 2021loreUsada PekoraOriginal
"Kon-peko! Kon-peko! Kon-pekoooo! I'm Usada Pekora, peko!" A lonely rabbit-eared girl who loves carrots. She loves them so much that she always brings a few anywhere she goes. 「こんぺこ!こんぺこ!こんぺこー!兎田ぺこらぺこ!」  寂しがり屋なうさ耳の女の子。にんじんをこよなく愛し、いつでも食べられるように持ち歩いている。
"Hiya-peko! Hiya-peko! Hiya-pekooo! I'm Usada Pekora, peko!" A lonely rabbit-eared girl who loves carrots. She loves them so much that she always brings a few anywhere she goes. 「こんぺこ!こんぺこ!こんぺこー!兎田ぺこらぺこ!」  寂しがり屋なうさ耳の女の子。にんじんをこよなく愛し、いつでも食べられるように持ち歩いている。
Feb 15, 2021loreUsada PekoraChanged
"Kon-peko! Kon-peko! Kon-pekoooo! I'm Usada Pekora, peko!" A lonely rabbit-eared girl who loves carrots. She loves them so much that she always brings a few anywhere she goes. 「こんぺこ!こんぺこ!こんぺこー!兎田ぺこらぺこ!」  寂しがり屋なうさ耳の女の子。にんじんをこよなく愛し、いつでも食べられるように持ち歩いている。
Feb 15, 2021associated-nameUsada PekoraOriginal

Peko-chan (by Houshou Marine), Pekora, 兎田ぺこら


Peko-chan (by Houshou Marine), Pekora, 兎田ぺこら, 兔田佩克拉

Feb 15, 2021loreShiranui FlareOriginal
"Noon-nui! This is Shiranui Flare!" A half-elf who seems sloppy and undependable, however when it is time, she becomes an extremely reliable big sis. She is basically kind of drained. Her weakness is her emotions and she cries or gets embarrassed quite easily (Just praise her!). The fairy-like creature that looks like a panda is named “Kintsuba”.
"Noon-nui! This is Shiranui Flare!" A half-elf who seems sloppy and undependable, however when it is time, she becomes an extremely reliable big sis. She is basically kind of drained. Her weakness is her emotions and she cries or gets embarrassed quite easily (Just praise her!). The fairy-like creature that looks like a panda is named “Kintsuba”. 「こんぬい~!不知火フレアだよ~!」 普段は適当に見えるけどいざというときは頼れる姉御肌なハーフエルフ。基本少しやさぐれている。情に熱く涙もろく、褒められるのに弱い。(デレがち。) いつも近くにいるパンダに見える妖精の名前は「きんつば」。
Feb 15, 2021associated-nameShiranui FlareOriginal

Fuu-tan, Homura (male persona), 不知火フレア


Fuu-tan, Homura (male persona), 不知火フレア, 不知火芙蕾雅

Feb 15, 2021loreShiranui FlareChanged
"Noon-nui! This is Shiranui Flare!" A half-elf who seems sloppy and undependable, however when it is time, she becomes an extremely reliable big sis. She is basically kind of drained. Her weakness is her emotions and she cries or gets embarrassed quite easily (Just praise her!). The fairy-like creature that looks like a panda is named “Kintsuba”.
Feb 15, 2021loreMakaino RirimuChanged
A succubus kid from Hell who came to play around. In truth, she came on a demonic mission, but has completely forgotten what the mission was and now enjoys her time playing games. Though she may appear weak, her father is the King of Hell himself, Satan. 魔界から遊びにやって来たサキュバスの子供。 実は悪魔の使命があるのだが、本人はすっかり忘れて今日もゲームに興じている。 弱そうと見られがちだが、父は偉大なる魔界の王サタンである。
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