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Izumo Kasumi

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Every 7.2 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 111k
  • Views 4.5m



Izumo Kasumi (出雲霞) was a female Virtual YouTuber who made content in Japanese. She was a member of Nijisanji. On October 13, 2020, she announced on stream that she would be graduating that month. In addition, she said that she will be keeping her archives up. Kasumi is in the following groups: Izumoruru, along with (formerly) Yamiyono Moruru. Her birthday is October 18. Her zodiac sign is Libra.

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A junior high school girl who is spaced out and doesn't know what she's thinking. She always carries her favorite pillow with her.

She is actually an AI modelled after a girl named Kasumi Izumo for a certain experiment, and currently has five personalities with different characteristics.

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