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Hadoca Rakuen

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Every 13.74 Day(s)
  • Subs 652
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Hadoca is a male vampire demon VTuber who streams all sorts of games on twitch. His favourite game franchises are Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, World of Warcraft but he also loves small cute indie games or indie horror games. His streams are tailored towards a mature audience since Hadoca doesn't stray away from delivering fan service or sus copy pastas including very strong language from time to time. Hadoca wants everyone to feel welcomed, included and safe in his streams.

Lore Edit

Hadoca Rakuen, vampire demon lord of the Rakuen Clan, trying to rebuild what was lost more than once before due to the cruel hands of fate.

In the beginning of time itself was a creature.. a cat to be exact, drifting through existence. Manifesting great power as time went on until a rift appeared before it and the lonely cat was sucked in. What appeared on the other side was neither a cat nor a man, purple hair, soft face and definitely not there by mere chance. As he stumbled through the wasteland he appeared in, he feared that this would be the end of it and so he prayed for a guiding light, an answer.. anything. Soon he realised that there is no one to help him but himself and so he focused and envisioned a place.. far away, not only in distance but in time as well. So he made the jump through time and space. He did that innumerable times.. until something was off.

Fast forward to recent times, as much as you can call it "recent". Corrupted by time and space he changed, his actions throughout the times changed his nature, his appearence.. his core being. What was once part cat has changed demonic, he lost his cat like ears and tail and grew horns. His hair changed from purple to black and red. His eyes once green and yellow changed to purplish-red and yellow with a red ring near the edge of the iris. Cracks formed on his face, near his neck and up to the chin and below the eyes. Signs of dimension travel corruption.

So with his "last" jump he went back as far as he could think of to take over the world and get strong enough to take down whatever messed with him the first time. Thus the birth of the Rakuen Clan. But fate was cruel and hindered the rise of an empire, his empire. Time and time and time again, many believed it was just bad luck but there was more.

After some time he gave up.. for now, he traveled the world in order to learn from his mistakes, reflect on his actions until the corruption took hold of him once more and made him stronger than before, there was something else within him now.. something evil that coexists with his demonic core. With his new found power and vampiric charm he changed his way of rebuilding his clan as it is dangerous to have your entire clan in one spot.

He grew fond of so called video games during his journey and discovered other beings gathering a following online with playing those games. And that is the birth of the new era Rakuen clan.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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