The Bear’s Den (group)

Group site
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The Bear’s Den is a cooperative not-for-profit group of independent Vstreamers, spearheaded by Akiko Kumagara, which exists to help each member achieve their unique goals. Officially forming in January 2023, the group has now seen two waves of members.

The group partakes in activities such as collaborative streaming, art trading, hangouts, and more. The member count is intended to stay in the 8-10 members range for this group, while currently only having 7 members.

The Bear’s Den is meant to be a place where small creators can hone and expand upon their skills by helping and being helped by others. This goal-driven nature of this group at its core makes it have a unique identity, as its focus is to create self-sufficient independent creators out of all of its members.

VTubers (4)
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Sep 3StargazerKG
Sep 6StargazerKG
Sep 2The R-Man
Sep 4The R-Man
Sep 4The R-Man
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