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Ayane is a English speaking babiniku vtuber. Streams tend to be a bit chaotic but also a safe and comfy place to tune into. Content can be a mix between sfw and nsfw topics. A wide variety of content can be found when tuning in. From learning how to rig to a variety of games and learning a new language.

Lore Edit

Ayane is a Ex-Goddess of Time that was betrayed by their fellow Deities who ended their life. Reincarnated into a Penguin Demon. One of four Demon Lord Candidates who will rule over the four corners of the demon realm. Their one true goal is to be the strongest Demon Lord of the four Candidates to rule them all. And to destroy the gods that did them wrong in their previous life.

Ayane is proficient in Time and Destruction magic with a vast mana pool to use. A few key features they have is their left eye has a clock like shape that holds their ability to manipulate and wield time magic. A few rings and accessories to enhance their destruction magic.

When Ayane isn't training to destroy the gods they like to entertain the humans by playing games and learning new things while they collect some wandering spirits along the way as sacrifices.

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