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Atras Megalos

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Every 2.76 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 850
  • Views 4.6k



Atras is a male Virtual Youtuber who creates content using Indonesian and English. He usually plays games, his favourite type of game is battle royale and games with turn base system.

Lore Edit

a dragonoid who is a descendant of dragons born from Ladon's blood, which was absorbed by the garden of Hesperides and produced hundreds of new dragons to guard the apple tree. Chosen to be a champion but broke the rules and ate the golden apple therefore received the punishment of being swallowed by the earth and put to sleep there until he finally woke up and came out. But when he looked around he was in a city filled with buildings, vehicles, and dragonewts. which eventually disguised himself as one of the species of dragonewt komodo because he had a venom similar to them and lived among the dragonewts. (EN)

Seorang dragonoid yang merupakan keturunan naga yang lahir dari darah Ladon, yang diserap oleh taman Hesperides dan menghasilkan ratusan naga baru untuk menjaga pohon apel. Terpilih menjadi champion namun melanggar peraturan dan memakan apel emas sehingga mendapat hukuman ditelan bumi dan ditidurkan disana hingga akhirnya ia terbangun dan keluar. Namun ketika ia melihat sekelilingnya ia berada di sebuah kota yang dipenuhi oleh gedung-gedung, kendaraan, dan komodo yang akhirnya menyamar menjadi salah satu spesies komodo karena ia memiliki bisa yang mirip dengan mereka dan hidup di antara komodo-komodo tersebut. (ID)

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