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Zanzie V20

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Every 3.6 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 148
  • Views 24.6k



Lilly is a VStreamer who initially began doing this as a joke, but realized she actually quite liked streaming this way and has picked it up as a hobby. She began streaming December 5th, and made her first YouTube upload on January 17th.

Lore Edit

Zanzie is the twentieth iteration of an experimental combat AI being developed by the CORTEX corporation who currently resides deep within its black site.

Late into her development cycle, she was "stolen" by the extradimensional corporation Lambda Augmentations and Biotechnologies, or L.A.B. for short. It's gotten her out of constant combat sims and they're providing her a chassis, so she doesn't really mind the change-of-hands.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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