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Yam Koumori

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  • Watchlists 6
  • Subs 16k
  • Views 1.5m




Yam Albat is a female English-speaking Virtual YouTuber and Video Essayist who is currently independent. She makes videos on character design, VTuber culture, and tutorials for aspiring VTubers. Her fans are referred to as the "Bat Bunch."

Birthday: 3/20

Gender: Female

Height: 163cm

Artist: Yam Albat

Rigger: Ootori Azu

Emoji: ??


Yam is low energy, calm and compassionate. She has big heart for other aspiring creators and loves to help them out in any way she can. Her passion for VTubers and character shines through anytime she sees another VTuber, and she can often be caught "fangirling" over any design that strikes her fancy. Her goal in creating content is to inspire others express themselves creatively.

Yam's favorite games to stream are the Legend of Zelda, Sonic, and many casual games. She has discovered through streaming that she enjoys some more competitive games such as Guilty Gear Strive and Yugioh as well. When Yam gets scared, shocked, or frustrated, she will let out a screeching scream that her fans have dubbed her "echolocation."


2020 to 2021 || Lorelei Alto Era

Yam originally became a PNG VTuber during the 2020 pandemic in order to have an anonymous outlet for her music under the name Lorelei Alto. Lorelei Alto was an adventurous green-haired nymph VTuber with a frog companion named Buttons.

Timeline of Significant Events

  • October 11, 2020: Lorelei would go on to found VTuber Network. VTuber Network was an early organized indie VTuber community who provided a discord, free to use graphics, a clips channel, cover songs, and game nights to members.

  • March 20, 2021: Lorelei would go onto officially debut her first Live 2D model on 3/20/2021.

  • August 20, 2021: The first VTuber Census would launch under VTuber Network

  • November 3, 2021: Lorelei would announce her "hibernation stream" in order to begin her rebrand process. She would take a break from social media for the rest of the month.

  • December 30th, 2021: Lorelei would announce her new name would be "Yam Koumori" after the rebrand.

2022 || Rebranding Era

Now officially rebranded, Yam would switch her focus from streaming on Twitch to making videos on YouTube. Her first true video project would be on VTuber Network's 2nd VTuber Census. Afterwards, she would focus on video essays. Yam would only stream a total of 10 times in the year of 2022. In this time, Yam would learn how to edit videos and publish a video essay around once a month. Yam would never finish rigging her live 2D model, but instead continue with her model half rigged for the entire year.

Timeline of Significant Events

  • January 25th, 2022: Yam would reveal her new design via a PNG stream with fellow VTuber Cyb3rTyg3r.

  • February 28, 2022: The second VTuber Census would launch under VTuber Network.

  • March 20, 2022: Yam would use her previous Lorelei Alto model one last time on her Anniversary Stream. During the stream, she announced that she would be leaving the affiliate program on Twitch and making videos over on YouTube as Yam instead.

  • June 12, 2022: Yam would post a 45 minute video breaking down and discussing the VTuber Census with fellow Census organizers Lasso Catsidy and Skylar Tsukinoma.

  • July 16, 2022: Yam's video essay "The VTuber Revolving Door || the Truth About VTuber Work Culture" would be picked up by the YouTube Algorithm, and she would amass her initial following of around 1,000 subscribers.

2023 || A Return to Streaming

Once Yam found her footing once again on YouTube, she would dip her toes back into the idea of streaming due to the encouragement of her audience. Her first major solo livestream would be her 5,000 Subscriber Celebration, in which she would play viola and sing for her audience before revealing plans for a 2.0 model. Moving forward, Yam would go on to stream regularly again on YouTube and Twitch to her audience.

  • June 26, 2023: Yam would announce that she was changing her sirname from Yam Koumori to Yam Albat to reflect her western origins and give her audience something easier to spell.
Lore Edit

"And as always, Take care bat bunch!"

Yam Albat is a Honduran White Bat from a bat colony that's struggling to survive after deforestation limited their habitat. A passerby forest nymph took pity on the poor bat colony and offered them a magic root that would turn one of the bats into a human so that they could raise awareness of their dire situation. After some deliberation, the bat colony chose Yam to become human, because she had always wanted to be an entertainer and performer! Now Yam makes videos and streams in her new human form to bring attention to the rapid decline of her species. She firmly believes that the best way to raise awareness is through connecting others through music and art.

One of the bats from her colony, Buttons, decided to accompany her on her content creation because Yam can be a bit naive and absentminded. Buttons works as Yam's voice of reason when needed.

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