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November 8, 2021
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Every 9.07 Day(s)
  • Subs 448
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xXDaSawceXx is a very long time content creator. In 2006, Sawce started uploading random videos on YouTube. Under a different persona, he ran content creation for small indy wrestling promotions, and in 2014, he would start creating gameplay content that is still very much online and very much cringe! In November 2021, he rebranded to a VTube/VStream channel after separating from a couple other content creators who had left to pursue other opportunities, as well as a way to separate his original content from his indy wrestling content.

Lore Edit

A lover of all tech and gear from the 90s and early 2000s, a young man stumbled upon an old laptop and purple headset at a yard sale. The seller warned him NOT to use the item, but the young man would not listen. As soon as he got home, he hooked up the old laptop to his ethernet, slipped on the headphones, and pressed the power button. As soon as he did, he blacked out!

When he woke up, he surrounded by a series of what seemed to be tubes in a green and black environment. He also noticed he seemed to be floating. As he tried to remove the headphones, he noticed a pair of what seemed to be red horns had sprouted from the band. He reached into his jacket pocket and noticed a note. "It was not wise to try and access my files! Now you shall spend the rest of your days here in this cyber space!"

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