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Temporal Nix

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Every 1.99 Day(s)
  • Subs 487
  • Views 13



Temporal Nix, or just Nix, is a Hero of Justice streamer who is currently streaming on Twitch. Here they stream a variety of games, with the goal being to finish each one they play. They try to keep the chat wholesome, wanting to bring everyone up and supporting them in the best way possible.

Lore Edit

In a place located outside of both Space and Time exists an area known as "Temporal Bastion". It is from here that the 'Temporals' reside, a group dedicated to helping any that they come across, with them willing to help anyone and everyone. It is here that Nix originates from, and after having found Earth, had set up an anchor for him to visit.

Upon his arrival, Nix had discovered that this world, unlike others he was accustomed to, was devoid of magic, and instead used technology as its main resource. After researching the world, he discovered two things that people were most fond of; Superheroes, and Streamers. Donning a new helmet, Nix set up a room to stream, hoping that his broadcasts could help brighten the lives of the people of the world, even if it is just one person at a time.

As he begins to reach more people, those that wish to join him in making the world brighter become known as a Temporal Acolyte, a title for Fledglings back at the Temporal Bastion. While they may not travel back there with him, Nix knows that they will do great in making the world a brighter place.

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