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You find yourself lost in the woods, and hear the soft rumble of a -- truck? Of all things in the middle of the woods. And yet as you walk up to it, the warm spices of chia, and earthy chocolate tones of coffee fill the air and hit your nose. Its a cafe-truck! A large excited Naga slithers through the window to greet you, several tea cups go flying by, a sticky slime slides down the side to blurb out hello. You have made it to Oolong Snake Tea Company traveling cafe! Here for a short time you can enjoy games, art and meet new friends!

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The naga goes by Sound (they/she), and their compaion snake Oolong, both serving up treats and drinks from mere wishes to any who find the cafe-truck. This naga-waifu isakai dream come true just wants to hang out and play games, drink tons of fancy caffinated beverages and talk about the day. Sometimes, with the right kind of magics, however, Sound can shape shift into a slime monster, or even a demon.

The truck is never in the same place for long, and always rolling to new places in search of new flavors, and more friends. So tag along, as they explore a variety of games, challenges and adventures.

When the truck is in park, Sound can be found creating art and sharing it with friends and patrons alike. Having a bright colored cute style, and a keen desire to learn more to expand their skills.

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