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Skip Skipns

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  • Subs 211
  • Views 1.1k



Skip Skipns a Penguin with Bear Claws (Genetically attached not mittens), 19, Non-Binary (Any Pronoun), Bisexual, 6'1 ft, Plays a lot of video games (mostly Pokemon), does a lot of artsy stuff, bakes and makes everyone sweets to those in need, and crashes through walls and windows to give out sweets that way. Loves a lot of anime such as Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Beastars.

Lore Edit

Skip Skipns a Penguin with Bear Claws, born with the bear claws thanks to their dad who is polar panda. Skip Skipns is known to be a nice and caring person who gives those sweets who need it. But can also be a dangerous threat that no one expects, They are tactical in combat and known to kill gods so don't let the cuteness fool you. Of course what's a god killing penguin without certain abilities, the following is as stated to be the abilities: Body Morphing, Time Stopping, Portal Gating, Transformations. Body Morphing can be editing Their body structure to a bulky version of them selves or even making themselves flat like 2D, Time Stopping can last up to a full minute, as Portal Gating they can slip through any surface and traveling through the Omniverse, and finally Transformations there are only 2 forms as of right now that being, Pengu form (Base), and Mama-Bear Form. There is said to be more transformations but more studying is required to confirm.

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