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Reinx (pronounced as Rain + X) is a Female Vtuber who regularly streams in English on both YouTube and Twitch almost daily. She generally plays a variety of various games from different genres depending on her mood, from turn-based games, to platformers, action rpgs, mmos, heck sometimes she even played god in God Simulator. At times she can be a bit full of herself and acts like she has "Big Brain" ideas and may even break games either intentionally or not. Her content tends to be more of a casual chill and overall relaxing environment but at times she does make things a bit chaotic.

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Reinx is a nerdy college student studying computer engineering. As someone who is in this field she tends to try to process things as logically as possible to a fault where she may nerd out over the simplest things but also tends to overanalyze things to a fault. She at times can be both “ as cool as a cucumber ” and flip into the opposite end of the spectrum and be chaotic and bloodthirsty. As long as its logical it makes sense. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and will do what it takes to get her point across though she isn't afraid to admit when she's wrong as she herself likes to follow logic first.

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