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Regina Red

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Every 1.45 Day(s)
  • Subs 657
  • Views 25.8k



Regina Red is a virtual YouTuber and part of The Jungle Tavern first generation called Zaserac. She is a gremlin who strives from creating chaos with anyone she is associated with. She plays every games available on her hand and an avid music avantagarde.

Lore Edit

Regina "Bloody Red Queen" Red. A mad woman known to cause chaos on her every whim and fancy. She is notorious for many things but it not has always been this way...

Regina was born as the sole daughter of the Previous Queen of hearts to her Knave. She was pampered since birth but all that changed when the knave almost assassinated the Queen. She is banished to her own palace as her own father's head is chopped off. She is raised as a bastard but nevertheless still loyal. The events that occurred in her life built a twisted sense of character: Chaotic and Unpredictable.

At her coming of age ceremony, she killed her mother with a butcher's knife and took her throne with brute force. Till this day she reigns over her kingdom through fear.

One day she found a rare antique in the royal treasury. It was a door that is built out of wood yet emits a strange vibe. Out of curiosity, she opened it and is transported to a pub of some sort...And then begins a new chapter to her life

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