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Rae who is the founder and CEO of WingedMythEN is mostly a comfy streamer that plays any game he can find to play, during horror games he will do his best to keep his chat from being too scared as well as anyone who may play with him, if he is playing scary online games with sensitive friends he will purposely get jumpscared to keep his friends safe, he claims to have a crush on a friend he streams with but wont say who hehe. he also writes alot of music and cover songs. Rae is also fluent is over 50 languages and translates for alot of streamers and speeches in his town.

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Rae is a water/plasma/blue flame dragon who once ruled the pacific ocean as the deity dragon of sea, flame, and lightning but one day was thrown over by a dragon knight with the powers of water/forest/and earth and has since turned to streaming to buy enough training programs to one day fight to earn back his right as pacific deity

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