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Oscar the Hedgehog

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Every 2.85 Day(s)
  • Subs 373
  • Views 68.6k



Oscar is a journalist and truth seeker. He hosts the Hedgehog Report, a hard-hitting broadcast where he and his colleagues, Clive the Chinchilla and Desdemona the Demon, cover crimes, mysteries and curiosities of the animal world. While he prides himself on his professional decorum - he is prone to emotional and inappropriate outbursts, leading viewers to wonder how he remains on the air.

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As a young hedgehog, Oscar had only one dream - to be the host of his own TV show. Desperate for his wish to come true, he called out to a higher power. Beseeching whatever spirit that would hear his plea, he promised that he would give anything in return for his fantasies to be quenched. It was then in the dark of the night that a gout of flame erupted before him, and out of the flame, a demon appeared; ready to bargain.
The demon took the form of a young woman, with amber eyes, that pierced right through him. Oscar thought she would cut his ears with a demonic tongue, but instead she handed him a piece of paper, with a title that said “résumé”.

Formally introducing herself through written word, her name was Desdemona and she had no voice. Through a bargain of her own that had gone awry, she lost her voice to a demon lord. Now in order to win it back, she needed to prove herself.

And so, a partnership was formed between hedgehog and demon and the Hedgehog Report was born (with Clive the weatherman joining the team after seeing an ad on Craigslist).

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