officericee is a VTuber who makes content in English and dutch. and does stupid shit and laughs like a crazy person
hhhmm well now this story starts in a world just like toy story but here the ice cubes and the toy soldiers are at war for control of the kitchen, but there is one ice cube that stands out of all the other ones and he goes by the name officericee. he is to the toy soldiers a high risk target but with his deadly and fast attacks the toy soldiers never can get a shot on him and between you and me i have seen him fight the undead in nazegame arizona, how he got there i dont know but he doesnt show mercy to the undead and one more thing i have also managed to spot him in the world of sea of thieves helping the young seadogs and yet again i have no clue how he got there he is a strange ice cube but a damm good soldier