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  • Subs 43
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Monica is a English non-binary Vtuber that stream on Twitch almost weekly. They play old ps2 games, and stream 3d artwork.

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The world we live in is controlled by unknown organization. They’ve ruined our planet’s atmosphere, to the point we can no longer go outside without protective gear. They control where we live, and where we work, and that’s why I’m stuck wearing this collar. They’re all fitted with a tracer signal, so I have to watch my back, and make sure I stay “in line” and not acting out. Otherwise, they’ll give me a quick remote jolt through the collar. I’ve only suffered a few mild shocks here and there for smaller rulebreaks, but if they wanted to, they could get rid of me with the push of a button. People say that trying to leave the city causes the collar to send out enough voltage to cause our brains and nervous systems to short out on the spot.

So, I’m stuck here, in this city, having to pay off bribes to my higher ups to look the other way as far as my attendance goes, so I can stream to you. I just wish that someday I could leave this awful place.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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