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Mirage Omega

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Every 2.83 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.7k
  • Views 6.6k



Mirage is a virtual streamer on Twitch who focuses on JRPGs, Retro Games, visual novels, and blending calm and chaotic into one atmosphere. Their focus is on creating a fun atmosphere for their community through the medium of gaming. Mirage started streaming as a way to combat their fear of public speaking and they've enjoyed the experience ever since!

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We live in an age where technology is ubiquitous. Just about every facet of our life has a technology tied to it. And within that technology is software. Code strung together to be things like applications, games, and operating systems. Like most things, technology has a lifespan, as does any software within it. What most people don't think about, though, is what happens to software that becomes... obsolete? Sometimes, that software never sees the light of day again. Other times—as is usually the case with games—it becomes freely accessible online as “abandonware”.

One day, a curious coder was poking into one such abandonware title, and as they were poking around and trying to modify the code, they accidentally gave sentience to one of the characters in the game. The coder, astonished by what had happened, decided to name the sentient character “Mirage Omega”. Mirage, because the coder couldn’t believe his eyes, and Omega because the affected code was the very last string in the program.

Mirage, given his newfound sentience decided that he did not want to be bound to his desolate home world. He managed to escape the game world that bound him and fled for the wide-open cyberspace, to explore new worlds, to see how technology has advanced in all the time he laid as dormant code in his home game. As a reminder of this freedom, he wears a charm in the shape of scissors on his jacket to remind him that he was able to cut ties with the past, that fate has given him a second chance.

Since fleeing to cyberspace, Mirage has found that he is able to freely interact with other games and technology and often likes to pull harmless pranks, like making himself show up in arcade machines or pulling up random memes during someone’s gaming session to name a few. Other times, he’s content to be a silent observer of other game worlds. During his time in cyberspace, Mirage has learned how to replicate things from the game worlds he has visited and has also learned how to manifest himself in the real world for limited amounts of time.

Although he is fairly neutral and harbors no malice, people have taken notice of Mirage’s existence and have branded him as a computer virus. One that they feel must be eradicated because of his chaotic nature. Will Mirage be able to continually elude those that seek to eradicate him? Or will he be erased? Only time will tell…

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