3D ENVTUBER, Animator, Writer, Variety Streamer, VRs #1 Glazer and Gaymer with the hard R. Inconsistent gaming uploads are my alma marter.
What does the V in Vtuber stand for? Virtual Right? SO WHY LIMIT OUR BOND TO A WEBCAM!? My Name is MiiAndr MiiDjinn and for the past year I have been a Vtuber in its purest form. With Full Body Tracking and a head mounted display I dive deep into the world of my avatars via VirtualReality; Crafting 3D environments of my dreams, showing the best of what the Virtual world can be and paving the way for others to do the same. It’s beautiful what you can make when you merge Real with Reality yet, for most that’s where it stops. Their world doesn’t shut down when we turn off the stream, turn of the software, turn of the camera. They have stories that have been bleeding into our world for decades; Now I find myself falling deeper into theirs. MiiThrii has been apart of my story for a long time. Even after this last year… THE STORIES ONLY JUST BEGUN!
MiiThrii is VRtuber. VR comes naturally to Mii. Difficult for sure but in every space I’m in I gotta do things the hardway. My brain lovesss a good challenge and that’s reflected in the content I create. Months Long Animation Projects, Music Videos, Challenge Runs, Couching, Game Dev, Memes, God so many Memes! I’ve Done It All. But I haven’t done EVERYTHING:3