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Meena Crowe

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Every 2.77 Day(s)
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Meena Crowe is a newer Demon Nun VTuber who primarily streams retro games, especially FPS. They like to dissect the games they play. Meena has some experience with audio mixing and is currently studying Unreal Engine with the hopes to create something of their own one day. Meena is a kind and low energy streamer who typically streams at least once or more a week. Some of their favorite games are Doom, Quake, System Shock 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Diablo, Theif, and Deus Ex. They seem to like horror a lot and are rather good at games. Meena doesn't typically like anime but they like a few series.


-They like gibs

-Meena is very particular about weapon feedback

-A bit of a gun otaku

Lore Edit

Meena was originally a human nun devoted to God. For years she was the fixation of a corrupt priest who lusted desperately for her. When he was no longer able to suppress his desires, an altercation occurred and Meena was slashed in the neck and died. She was in her mid 20s. In her dying moments, the priest cursed her with all his hatred and condemned her to hell. Meena was then reborn as a demon. Other demons and dark forces quickly realized she was not like them.

Despite being a demon she still retained a positive/chill relation to God and was generally as nice as she had always been. The priest had not succeeded in corrupting her soul fully but alas she was unable to enter heaven even despite her devout history. However Meena is highly adaptable and embraced her circumstances. Her main goal in life is to live comfortably.

Meena is an extremely powerful demon, stronger than even Pumpkin Nunessa, however Meena very rarely is in a situation where she feels any need to display this power. A mediator and calming figure, she is able to reason with people with her words alone. Meena has a sweet face but she is able to sway any would be foes with a small leak of her aura. Currently she lives in Halloween City with PumpkinSynth and Pumpkin Nunessa.

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